Dec 28, 2012

My Limit: मेरी हद

मेरी हद 

कहाँ है वो सरहद जहाँ हो मेरी हद बता दो
जन्मों से है बस तुम्हारी तलाश मुस्करा दो 

चांचल्य अनोखा तुम्हारा आज अब सजा दो 
सुन्दर ह्रदय में आगंतुक को अब तो जगह दो

हर जनम में फिर मिलने का वादा अब दोहरा दो 
भगवान् कर्मरत रहें इसलिए अब अलविदा कह दो   

..may be continued, if Devil's Advocate so wishes..

Dec 23, 2012

India Raped

India Raped

 Intimacy is a human necessity so as to be able to experience the true inner self. For most the goal of life is happiness. Thus the pursuit of intimacy becomes the carrier for experiencing the innermost happiness of the other.  This provides one with ecstatic reflections of one's own at being able to give, share, care and make another find happiness. Its human. 

Yet, the same act of forcing intimacy violates, vitiates and villifies forever the inner true self of the one who is raped. It is an act of expressing and experiencing the inner barbarism that a rapist harbours. That is all rapes leave for all. That is the only thing that a rapist can ever get, since intimacy the supreme human aspiration will only leave for the society the inner ecstatic reality of the indulgent. 

To ensure fair usage of rules and law, once proven and only then, a barbaric mind be eliminated from the society. It is necessary to not only setup punishment that motivates the other hidden barbarians to heal themselves and become civil, yet also to protect the human among us to be not violated for ever. 

While law and rules do get abused and there will be collateral damage that this society will have to suffer for now since it allowed to deprecate itself to such a low. A capital punishment is not only necessary now but it also must be meted out in a way that really puts the fear of the Divine into the violator. When we as a society would have healed from our current state of deeply damaged collective psyche, the rules can be executed with greater ease. Nothing is permanent. We were not always as bad and we wont remain so bad. But for this moment, where we have together fallen so low, we must abandon the high horse and the ivory tower of being a civil society to abhor capital punishment. In the context of where we allowed to slide down ourselves we must get over the pretense of being civil. 

Just imagine, we as India are that civilization that understood intimacy to a level where it got elevated to be one of the sixty four key forms of art and we manifest our psyche in the Kamasutra ages ago. Today we have chosen to exist in a gutter that has only putrified remnants of our understanding of what it is to be human. If you cannot tolerate a smoker ruining the air in a restaurant how are you tolerating to live in a country where rapes happen with such impunity as if you and I don't exist? Think again, who raped this girl in a moving bus in Delhi? Think again if there is any single Indian who did not rape her? 

Law will take its time to evolve and then at whichever stages of evolution our rules are they will have their human limitations. But, if you think it is at least as important  for you to demand that in your country no one can be raped and no one's soul can be violated as much as you do demand that smoking cannot be allowed in public places then do remember prevention at every layer is necessary. Shame is not such a bad idea. It is shame that lets conscience prevail. Join your minds and rebuild the human fabric of shame in deploring, chastising, ostracizing every behaviour that is in nature similar to a rape: violation of the inner being of any human being and every woman. 

You have a choice, you can continue to rape your own India, your own conscience, your own existence or just decide today that enough is enough. Don't confuse it with politics, governance or merely law. Realize you and I and every other Indian raped that poor girl in the moving bus of Delhi. I am at least today able to bring the courage to my being in hanging my head in shame and sobbing my lungs out. If you can do anything better, please let nothing stop you. If nothing else, can you not join me in crying your lungs out whether on twitter, facebook, linkedin, foursquare, on your blackberry messengers, writing  Letters to the Editors, putting up graffiti on your college wall. Cant you do anything? Are you destined to living in a gutter? 

If that be so and we are only going to blame politicians then make another choice at least to be doing whatever you do in coherence. Burn the Kamasutra then. Stop reading or writing poetry. Don't listen to music. Never dance. What's the point of painting anything ever. Never say I love you to any in your life. Don't claim your goal is to be happy. Do at least one thing right, please. Be a human or a barbarian. Do one of the two fully well and right. 

Dec 19, 2012

Born to Love

Born to Love

You are the one, who is Born to Love, 
For all the pain this world may have.

Despite one and all, you make it so pure,
For you its gonna be same just be secure.

You teach anyone, to get calm and quiet,
You're the one whom you have to fight.

Supple body and bright mind so many crave.
That too and such a soul, is what you have. 

Special for sure, is you and your entire being,
For you its just love and there's beyond nothing.

Get over the illusion, that any love ever any,
It rises from within and embraces as many. 

To live with a soul and then to be ever in love. 
For you its greater than any treasure or its trove.

Love is love and has no type or silo or bin,
Its you who give life to love day out and in.

Let it go and let it be, love will be when free, 
Not a wave could reach even when at the sea.


Pain is just but a release and not the atonement
Love you have is a celebration and astonishment. 

The tears that you let happen are the treasure,
Sharing and caring and relieving the pleasure.

You alone are the origin and its manifestation,
Love is already the journey not your destination.

You know it already you are so clean and fine,
Love the love you have and seek just the divine.

For the true you, pain or gain are only so ethereal.
Love today comes to ask why be so Imperial.

Just love and love and love and love alone.
You're the one the one the one without a clone.


For who is born to love, each cry is to but die
Be so happy in love when you go world does cry. 

Dec 15, 2012

Pain: The Gain

Pain: The Gain

All of the pain is really nothing but a gain 
Its a ballyhoo that no gain without pain 

Gain and pain are the same as always
Its a balony to keep 'em sideways 

Truly indeed if you are gain and me the pain
We should have been hugging as if slain

More of  me you pain more we gain
Its a fantasy for you to see me in chain

I will share anything and all but my pain
Fair enough that hereon one must refrain

Pain and gain are since ever the same
To seek one without the other is a scam  

Truth prevails on every crystal and grain
We shall ensure to never go down that drain

When we know no single idea non-dialectic
To be able to have them together is eclectic

The pain we are able to bring to the other 
Brings the gain that can't ever smother

You never came so close to be able to go
The block that was finally found today its flow

It was always as dark before this new glow
Truth stood taller than you or me why now slow

The pace is not a proof of any special race
In time there has come much needed space

I never saw anything without you letting me 
Today when you were relaxed I did well see 

To have this sense of pain while we have gain
Is an illusion of a rainbow without wetting in rain

Let it come that will despite all care or without
In dark you never seek lamps that blow out

The beacon of gain please come with the pain
I am sure of you and me we can break any chain

Dec 12, 2012

आँसू : अब कभी मत आना

आँसू : अब कभी मत आना 

भरी दोपहर अपने अपने अँधेरे में घिरे,
कैसे वोह पल हमने साथ साथ गुज़ारे ।

आती जाती रौशनी के बीच साथ हँसे थे,
पर अपने अपने आंसूं अकेले ही बहे थे ।

कुछ भी बांट लेने को तो तैयार थे अब हम, 
छिपाया फिर भी हमने अपना अपना गम।

ना ही था कोई डर  ना किसी का कोई भय,
सता के गया हमें बस हमारा ही समय ।

हुआ एहसास की थाम के हाथों से हाथ,
कह दें आपस में कि अभी तो हैं साथ ।

मनों ने कहा एक दुसरे को मान जाओ,
आंसूं बोले आज अकेले अकेले ही बहाओ ।

ढलती दोपहर पे जब रौशनी लौट आई थी,
सूनी आँखों को सूनी आँखें ही दी दिखाई थीं ।   

एक थाली से हमने साथ निवाले खाए थे,
साथ एक ही सुरा के प्याले भी छलकाये थे।

हम बिलकुल चुप रहेंगे यह फैसला किआ था,
हमारे दर्द ऐसे में साथ हो जायेंगे नहीं पता था।

बिना कहे पूछे कुछ भी ले और दे सकते थे,
कोशिश बहुत की आँसू कभी नहीं बाँट पाए थे । 

पास पास हो कर भी हमेशा यूँ दूर से रहे थे, 
जहाँ भाव को भाव हमेशा छू ही रहे थे ।

ना मत ही आना अब मेरे ऐ हमसफ़र,
हाथों में लेके हाथ पूछूँगा साफ़ इस बार।  

आँखों को आँखें फिर क्या यही बतायेंगी,
अपनी अपनी अश्रु धारा खुद ही बहाई जायेंगी।

आंसूं अब मत कभी आना लेके कोई भी बहाना 
आना हो जब बस युहीं बिन बुलाये चले आना  

आ ही गए इतना जान के भी तो बाहों में लूँगा,
सच्चे दिल से आपसे फिर एक बात ही पूछूँगा।

क्यूँ रह गए दूर इतने दिनों तक जब आना ही था
कहना जिस आँख का आंसू था उसी से बहाना था।

एक दुसरे के आंसू कैसे फिर हम अब पोंछें,
दर्द के कच्चे धागे की डोर ही अब हमें खींचे ।

ज़िन्दगी ही तो बाँट सकते थे  हम चाहते जब,
मौत तो अपनी अपनी ही  आएगी जाने कब ।

 जितनी ही कोशिश की आँसू हम नहीं बाँट पाते हैं,
दर्द ही तो है जो रखता दूर से भी हमें पास पास है।  

आगोश में अब ले लूँगा येह सोच समझ के ही तुम आना,
बँटते नहीं इसलिए कह दूंगा आँसू अब कभी मत आना । 

Dec 9, 2012

मत आओ : Don't Come

मत आओ मेरी ख्वाहिश अब तुम मत आओ 
रहो अब इतनी दूर की तुम ना ही आ पाओ 

अगर आ ही गयीं तुम तो फिर हम बिछड़ेंगे 
अब तो सुकून आ चूका है वर्ना फिर तड़पेंगे 

बिछड़ेगा सब कुछ सबका ये ही तोह  है सार  
क्यूँ मिलते हो मुझसे औ बिछड़ते  बार-बार

मत आओ मेरी प्रेरणा  अब तुम मत आओ 
रहो अब इतनी दूर की तुम ना ही आ पाओ 

 अगर आ ही गयीं तुम तो  अरमान जगेंगे 
नभ से तारे सुबह होते ही फिर छोड़ भागेंगे

रहें अब हम  इतनी  दूर की ठीक से देख पायें 
करीब इतने रहे हैं कि कभी समझ ही नहीं आये 

मत आओ मेरी कामना  अब तुम मत आओ 
रहो अब इतनी दूर की तुम ना ही आ पाओ 

इतना खो खो के ही तो अब तक हम पाए हैं 
मिल गए इबकी तो समूचे ही खो जायेंगे 

अगर आ ही गयीं तुम तो फिर श्वास आयेंगे 
कलम रुक्केगी ये शब्द फिर गूंगे हो जायेंगे 

मत आओ मेरे सपने अब मत आओ 
नींद आ रही मुझे अब तुम भी सो जाओ

A Letter to My Daughters

 Letter to my daughters on obtaining cent percent marks at Mathematics Term Examination, together:

A Letter to my Daughters

July 18, 2010 |Published earlier at Dr. Victor Niederhoffer's Website

Dear Muskaan and Khushboo,

Congratulations on achieving the highest possible score in your mathematics test. In the past too each of you has obtained a similar score but on different occasions.

I am all the more happy when I today receive your test reports and find that both of you have together achieved the highest possible, together while being in the VIIth standard and the Vth standard of your schooling, when you are 12 years and 9 years old respectively.

Concentration that helps in putting your best at whatever you are doing at a particular moment is clearly you have begun to exercise often. I want you to remember that when required you can practice the highest levels of concentrations necessary to get the best out of you. This score has been possible only with that.
Within a fixed period of time that an examination must be completed to think of nothing but the work at hand within a time bound manner is a mark of disciplined thinking and action. I encourage you to call upon this faculty as often as you are out to achieve anything, anywhere.

Mathematics is not just about numbers. Its an elegance of a state of mind and personality that transcends above the rhythms and cycles of perception and focuses on the completeness of relations, functions and theorems that describe specific constructs. Your ability today together, puts me at greater confidence that you will be achieving such poise and grace as often as you are required to excel at a particular situation.
The joys that can be achieved by solving a puzzle, a problem a challenge are ever present in any mathematical question that you attempt to solve. The prowess at mathematics should give you the opportunity to realize your ability at solving varieties of problems and puzzles that can be represented by symbols, signs and formulae. As you continue to grow as persons and as your repertoire of skills gets richer you should realize with ease that the most widely known scientist of our times, Albert Einstein, is known to have said that, “What can be counted may not matter in life and what matters in life may not be counted.” In stating such an idea he was never dismissive of the utility of counting but was emphasizing that the scientific approach, the path of reason, the pursuit of enquiry may not be limited by any one’s inability at converting thoughts to numbers, since before you can enumerate an idea or a thought you must grasp it to a depth that relationships of that idea to so many other ideas should be appearing very clear to you. Then an approach to quantification to test the consistency of the thoughts should get easier.

The bright glint that I noticed in the eyes of both of you as I met you with your reports tells me that achievement itself is a reward. The smiley that your teacher drew next to your marks is a memento of appreciation and acknowledgement. In life, there may be moments when appreciation for any achievement may not be as instantaneous and it may be a while before those around you will begin to appreciate of your work or contributions. I am sure you will remember the glint in your eyes today that you carry together and it shall be yours again and again in the future whenever you get the similar inner satisfaction of having done your best without having to wait for a smiley.

I must thank your teacher particularly, for such a nice and sweet gesture of saying so much to you in so few strokes of her pen. Brevity at any communication is elegant. So is the pursuit of any mathematical solution. Two different people can get the same answer, yet the one who achieves that with the minimum amount of reasoning and explaining has done a better job. Economy of movement is a hall mark of most achievers and in the elegantly written answer books that I see before me, clean hand-writing and simple solutions make me believe you are acquiring the correct attitude.

Objectivity that is feasible much more easily at Mathematics is not the sole reason for the higher probability of obtaining cent percent scores in this subject. There is a unique answer in Mathematics, most of the time. At other times if there is no single answer, there is a definite range or set of answers available most of the time. There are however, the irrational numbers, the indeterminate quantities, the undefined values (that often mistakenly are labeled as infinite) yet even in those outcomes it is uniquely possible to arrive at those conclusions. The abilities that you gather as good students of mathematics should help you acquire the wisdom to be able to cope up with the less deterministic situations that you would face in most other walks of your pursuits. The in-deterministic, non-deterministic and the undetermined are all to be studied with the help of the deterministic. That is what Isaac Newton, who perhaps was the best known scientist of the previous century, meant to say when he said, “standing on the shoulders of giants".

To be able to learn from others, to be intellectually humble in knowing and accepting you do not know something is the critical start necessary for beginning to know anything that you are going to know.
Lastly and as importantly as everything I have written to you in this letter, do remember always that numbers even if an invention of mankind as much any other language are perhaps most easily manifest everywhere in nature as compared to any other language known to man and thus likely your best medium for communicating the inner beauty that you carry.

Best wishes from a proud father that you both continue to achieve many encores,

With love,

Dec 2, 2012

Road to Nowhere

We both wanted to go nowhere,
Were afraid we'll end up somewhere! 

We still kept on going ahead,
Were surely keen to not drop dead !

We live  the same pretensions everywhere,
We're in escape ready to go anywhere!

We carried some wine and some bread,
Were her lips so blue to make my eyes so red!

We took consciously the road to nowhere,
Were now surer its there somewhere !

We were keen to travel together instead,
Were only interested in just getting ahead! 

We are going well in pursuit wherever 
Were not aware if there ain't any nowhere 

We knew it well its a walk on the edge of a blade, 
Were still moving to reach that sublime and the shade! 

We kept on reaching here and there, 
Were motivated to find it even if wherever!

We decided to crush the rousing facade,
Were ready to crash against every barricade!

We tried our best to not reach anywhere,
Were realizing stopping makes it always somewhere!

We dismissed ideas of  liking being lust so widespread,
Were battling still how our own minds were misread!

We realized soon as we move on it becomes somewhere.
We're choosing thus to keep moving on the road to nowhere!

Stopping anywhere or wherever always becomes somewhere,
Keeping moving together alone lets us be in nowhere! 

Nov 25, 2012

The Devil's Advocate

Even in testing deeply 
ideas most divine
You are called in regularly
 to think and opine

Truth lives ever on a precipice
finally to be really bitter
All make claim to have expertise
to find their surmise fritter

I who all know as the truth
 seeks to predicate
In realizing myself I make you
 the Devil's Advocate
Wonder sans you there'd only
 be red or white just wine
Imagine for each truth to be holy
 without you nothing would shine

With you not around only 
stupid fantasies will abound
Divine and devil seek you singly
to be on their steady ground

Last time we went to seek a trump 
it was a place called nowhere
So what if you've given up 
I well know its still somewhere

Keen for nother journey to nowhere
with still a li'l fear of a mutual fight
I sought a prop to come along dear
ignorant that you alone make me right

Trust me this time we'll reach there
worry not that I'll try to get upclose and tight
Leave them all alone just round here
to miss you forever since is not in my might

Devil's Advocate called thus in hypocrisy
as the divine too need to claim its alright
Need no one but you alone in gramercy
Trust me before you again prove me bright

Could never find any as wise as you while
travelling with all of them everywhere
The tough advocate you eventually le'mme smile
Just wish to be with you on the road to nowhere

Without the courage to lose even you
at the altars of even those that are divine
My mind and soul are thus anew
argue as much as you will its finally benign

Devil is just imagery by some
who believe to have a profitious claim on divine
Its really your mind that is so lissome
that indeed makes the heavens look fine

Lets go once more alone on that road
Until you trust, don't kiss me into a prince 
At most I'd croak and remain the toad
 I told you the truth and got my soul a rinse

Myth and history can no longer abound
my feelings have got my mind to be the laminate
Lets as always be alone for truth to be found
unfair a name yet you only be the Devil's Advocate

Nov 24, 2012


 Will you not nicely just ink it
give up your habit to link it 

I am an idea just don't stretch it
Go figure me out and sketch it

Go just go and surely chill it
I'll be wherever you spill it 

Write alone in your own closet 
or keep spilling o'er the internet

I ain't the one leaving you lone 
whether you do sigh or groan 

I'd come anywhere so as to give it
you're never calm to let me do it 

Inkpot that I am for you is a good omen
Learn for you won't ever be a woman 

Come some day to share with me a drink
so as we can ensure what's gone we sink

Write or Speak, you are breaking the silence
You know I'll till when give you no license

You are free to keep doing your spilling
Get quiet will teach you the Art of Chilling

Nov 23, 2012

Enjoy the Silence

You, the one who taught me to spare my words
got to exercise your license & now enjoy my silence

I ain't getting into talking my sense out anymore 
you are the one who is going to drive it furthermore

"Dance the Night Away Grab Somebody Drink a Little More"
you left it written on the wall for me to find as the sophomore 

I know its her writing and she too has a way 
to speak with her silence and make all sway

I ain't getting into talking my sense out anymore 
you are the one who is going to drive it furthermore

Step up and hit the gas high else we're goin' nowhere
You too can hear my new-found silence just near and here

Take it now, you only taught me to have it
Don't think of pain that you are going to give as I will live it 

If my silence can't hurt me it won't hurt you 
Speak up as you can't hurt 'coz it was for me never new 

Do what you have to since words with neither sound nor silence 
can do what is carried by action and its final violence

Just do it
Enjoy the Silence 
I long ago gave you the License

Nov 22, 2012

डूबते को तिनके का सहारा : the last straw

डूबते को उसने दिया सहारा एक तिनके की तरह 
फिर से याद किनारा दिला दिया मसीहे की तरह 

जैसे तिनके ने सिर्फ एक ऊँगली थमाई थी 
उसने भी तो बस एक ही बात समझाई थी 

कितना तुम बोल देते हो कि शब्द बहरे हो जाते हैं 
 अपने ही नहीं होते पराये किनारे भी दूर हो जाते हैं 

चुप हो जाओ अब तुम मैँ तो हूँ आ ही गया 
किनारा अभी भी बहुत ज्यादा दूर है नहीं गया 

साँसों को समेटते समय की उस बाढ़ में मैने कहा था 
किनारा मिल भी गया तो क्या मेरा अब सब है बह गया 

कुछ नहीं बहा है तुम्हारा  सिर्फ तुम बह जाते हो 
चलो किनारे देखें तुम क्या नया कर दिखाते हो 

स्तब्ध रह गया में उसकी तिनके जैसी सादगी पे 
कह दिया उसने तिनका ही हूँ में आशियाना मत बनाना 

डूब रहे हो तुम इस लिए ही सिर्फ मेरा काम है बचाना 
कल्पनाओं में अगर डूबोओगे तो तुम्हीं मुझे किनारे ले जाना 

डूबना भूल गया मैं क्यूंकि शब्दों के उसने डुबो ही दिया था 
कहाँ से आ गए फिर सारे जिनका मैंने आसरा छोड़ दिया था 

मुझे तो ले चले अब सारे फिर से किनारे की ओर  
मेरे उस तिनके को उन्होंने वहीँ बहने दिया छोड़ 

चीखने को किया मन, तुम सब पराये हो सच में 
क्यों मेरे एक ही अपने को मंझदार में छोड़ आये हो 

याद आ गया ऊँगली के उस स्पर्श से चुप करवाया था 
और उस पल ही समझाया था बह जाऊँगा तिनका हूँ 

हवा के झोंके पे आया था समय की धार पे चला जाऊँगा 
अगर फिर न रुलाना चाहो कभी तो रहना अब शांत फिर आऊंगा

मिलेंगे हम बार बार चाहे नौका में हो न हो पतवार 
ना मुझे हवा के झोंके की ज़रुरत होगी न लगेगी तुम्हें बौछार  

जब जब करोगे मुझे याद अपनी दवात से स्याही ले लेना 
तुम्हारे हर लिक्खे शब्द की कलम मैं ही हूँ अब चाहो जब मिल लेना 

Nov 21, 2012

Corruption of Politics Vs Politics of Corruption

Corruption of politics has lead to a new genre' of politics, the politics of corruption. Endless scams have suddenly been coming out of every closet, ever since the supposed loot equations of the IPL got out of array. It is known, understood, felt and believed that there is a scam going on everywhere at any moment and whenever the loot equations get imbalanced the co-parceners in the loot expose each other. 

After all, information that gets generated at the occurrence of some event, transaction or action is known first, even before occurrence of the event, only to the doers. The affected may discover, but later only since if they indeed would discover it at the same moment it would be a dacoity or theft and not a scam of trillions. So, in all likelihood, the multi-dimensional cabals that form in the process of mass loot of massive proportions develop fissures and when there is no honesty left in between the dishonest looters a scam surfaces out, most of the time. 
Information comes into existence at the very instance any kind of event arises, yet information propagates forward only on some motive. The best newspapers are those that never get published, we all know. 

Unpublished Newspapers have the most important news! 

Allow me to share a favourite surmise. As in the laws of physics -- a hard science, the forms of energy are interconvertible from potential to kinetic etc. etc., similarly a law of governance -- an artful softer science, the forms of power are interconvertible from financial markets, big business, bureacracy, politics, media and even the mafiosi. At the top table in the pantheon of power there are only winners irrespective of the route they took to reach the top of the influence and impact making chain! 

If this surmise is true, which I believe it is, then the modern day power & influence process and thus the politics and governance of nations is unfair to be discussed with a unipolar agenda of targetting only the political generation of the present times for all the ills. All of us know, everyone of us is responsible for bringing us together where we have come and every form of influence or power is a co-parcener in propagating the values we collectively live with! 

In such a context the leap from jingoism of "Mera Neta Chor Hai" to contesting elections and entering the legislature is parochial at best and self-serving at the worst. 

I propose some direct questions in this note to Mr. Arvind Kejriwal the epitome of the fight against corruption in today's India. I seek to ask him, by contesting elections while he has chosen one respectable path to respect democracy and fight the war against corruption within the norms of civilized warfare, has he done enough to insulate himself and his movement sufficiently from the reflexive process through which we the people of India have allowed ourselves to be gutted so far? Is his ideal and his approach not as susceptible as is the dream of a young man barely out of college with every emotion heaving in his bosom to change this world? 

A Bureaucrat who meant sense! 

A Revolutionary who conveyed sense!!                                          A politician? Will he make sense? 

I urge all those who read through this note to ask Shri Kejriwal on his twitter handle @arvindkejriwal7 to respond to my queries and concerns here and those that you have. He promises to be India's most accountable politician and lets trust his promise and get him to respond then. 

An open letter to Shri Arvind Kejriwal, slogans proposing him to be next Prime Minister of India already having being aired: 


21st November, 2012

Dear Shri Kejriwal, 

Salutes to your spirit, sense and enterprise in jolting this civilization called India into waking up and beginning to figure out a fight to get its conscience. From slavery where Bapu and Chacha Nehru lead us in the fight for freedom, this perhaps is the next important fight in our evolution, to achieve conscience as a nation and civilization. 

Your intentions seem what they are, noble. However, as a stake-holder in your enterprise I do wish to ask you things that concern me and seek to alert you at the other hand that we the people of India may not be lead into yet another quagmire. 

I am sure you do remember the spirit of a clean India that the late Shri Rajiv Gandhi pursued vigorously while having a dream parliamentary majority on his side. He failed. A singular factor described then was that he antagonised the permanent seat of power, the bureacracy by raising a stick at them without providing for enough of carrots. You as an aspirant to enter the legislature at this point are way more ill-equipped than this charmer in our history who had a dream majority by his side. The odds are stacked so heavily, at least at this point by the mere comparison from recent history that one wishes to ask a few questions first in this milieu: 

  • Why have you not provoked and invoked the ire of bureaucrats, past or present, as yourself who may have harboured a similar angst, ire and frustration at who We the People of India have become so far? Do you believe you are the only one with this high IQ, strong education and competence to be in so much pain on our current state? Why have you not made covert or overt efforts to widen your team and base with people with a similar background? 
  • Do you not feel a strong radical approach is necessary to invoke the place of pride in the Services first , since the Services are the permanent seat of power and thus governance, so as there is an emotional, psychological, economic and social incentive for the best of the breed involved with governance to agree to clean up the system? A mere Lokpal or Janlokpal and fear psychosis with it will let the bureacracy stay functional, take decisions and execute? Power of incentives, including satisfying every element of Maslow's Hierarchy of needs and beyond is necessary or not? Do you not remember the CBI raid raj on the Banking Administration in the gone decade when the bankers became synonymous with those who will lift their pens but not bring it to paper to sign any decisions bringing the economy to a grind with credit cycles getting frozen? Do you not wish to learn from this piece of our history too that "stasis" is what ensues with a raid raaj or license raaj? Fear is an inferior motivator and to be used only like quinine if the fevers of malaria are to be suppressed. The treatment is care, food, rest and the inner will to be cured. In this context then, what is your plan to bring back pride, respect and interest of the most competitive DNA amongst Indians to seek careers in Police, Administration and other Services? Will it be good to see you as the Prime Minister of this country who will fail to address this depleting self-respect and thus morale and moral intensity in our services? Can we instill pride merely by Service Awards or by a straight and direct mechanism of performance incentives? Can we continue to cry foul over the thievery some of the most competent men and women of India who join the services do but spare not even a thought on how we as a nation can allocate our budgets, finances and economic decisions to compensate them as the best? Do you wish to continue to sell me the dream of an India where the regulator will earn less than the regulated and still remain honest? Please why don't you consider giving me a regular supply of opium instead if you are imagining that the likes of me will continue to buy this unipolar dream of a Janlokpal that can be the panacea of all ills? 
Now, lets move to this holy idea of black-money. Is Punishment a device in jurisprudence and moral sciences for making the society a better place? Is Punishment a device to ensure that the damage done so far will be reversed? Is Punishment only a device for creating a fear and moral deterrent for the not so die hard to not try the same crime in the future? What have you done so far to include in your manifesto of this erratic revolution or for the manifesto of the political party that you are floating about the root cause of the process of generation of unaccounted wealth and thus black income? Do you not understand and believe that high rates of Income Tax are an osmotic barrier that damage us in multiple ways regarding black money? High rates of Income Tax become an incentive for people to produce unaccounted money which is what the corruptible and corrupt political process prevailing at this point of our time thrives on and needs regularly and why, of all the revolutionaries, you have not begun to address this as yet? Why are you not even mentioning a clear plan that will in a time bound manner drive our economy to the most competitive rates of Income Tax to demoralize this demon of black money into not growing any further? Why are you not thinking that the forces of the market-place and the self-interest of each involved will automatically bring back the money to a geography where it is economical to keep it, with low income tax rates? In any case, would you please explain your economic philosophy at least in the context of a simple idea if those who create income and wealth should be taxed or those who consume and spend resources and wealth more than is productive for the society as a combined unit be taxed more? If a revolution is indeed what India needs to radically break apart from traditions of sad economic choices that most of the mankind has been making and usher into a leadership for entire mankind into a truly free and fair society, then why are we lacking the courage to say that Income will be taxed minimally and that there shall be progressively larger and larger taxes on items of luxury, ostentatious consumption and hedonism? Do you believe that by following the well trodden path full of economic blunders as popular across nations of this world your utopia of a corruption free or corruption lessened India is possible? if you believe so, why dont you instead send me a daily strong dose of opium so as the thinking genes in me that fearlessly question you too become quiet? 

Lets look beyond those governing, the governed now. What are you doing about moving the governed from this deep circuitous journey into frustration and anger at what has been done to them, to a realization that the governed have done it more to themselves than any and then onto a state of pride at having a decisiveness to undo it? What are you hoping that the aam aadmi of this civilization will do to desist from the rat-race, to be morality abiding and not be the inducement to the wrong-doers? This set of questions is critical, since if not addressed within time, I would need to ask you directly now, why are you taking the risk of frustrating folks as me, the aam admis to believe that first we were frustrated because we did not have an Arvind Kejriwal and now we are frustrated more so, because despite having found Arvind Kejriwal nothing did really change? Why are you risking despite knowing the failure of a Rajiv Gandhi's dream majority in parliament that indeed another bureacrat turned politician V. P. Singh too fanned a revolution in the name of the injustice meted out to the backward castes? Is your enterprise at this point not lacking in foresight and ignoring every leaf of history in not addressing any dimension beyond the creation of a totalitarian fear and punishment machinery called Janlokpal? What are you waiting for to open this revolution on every plank? Do you wish to tell me that like a good warrior who opens only one flank at a time, revolutions are rolled out as surgically as a war? 

I will keep coming back to you Mr. Kejriwal with questions and more questions, since indeed if this is the Big Struggle for regaining the Conscience of India, then it has to be about asking the right questions since right answers cannot be discovered with wrong questons, ever! Yet, for now, let me emphasize the question I believe of all that I have asked in this note to be most important to my mind: 

"Why are you risking the collective emotion of our civilization at this point to be frustrated and angered only and not become determinate despite having had discovered you? What are you waiting for?" 

Frustratingly yours at this moment,